Educadora Vanessa Beise
“To me, to be an educator at the Growing Up Right Institute is a dream come true. I am very proud of my trajectory in the Institute, because I was a rural apprentice in 2016 and my intellectual achievements changed the path of my future, they led me to the field of Rural Education and now I am a staff member of the Institute’s educational team. The learning course changed my vision about the countryside, which, in the past, was totally distorted and now I cannot see myself living somewhere else. Another enriching experience was the exchange of ideas in the group, whilst coming to know other realities experienced by my classmates. Among a variety of events at the time I was a rural apprentice, of note is the involvement of the community. Along with my friends of neighboring districts, we thought about creating a youth group in Passa Sete and Linha do Rio. The first meeting attracted tens of youths, and it gave rise to a group known as ‘United by the Bridge’ and the group has been growing ever since, and turned into a big family.
The group unites the strength of the rural adolescents and the board of directors has always consisted of very active youths in the locality. At the moment, the president is a graduate from the Institute, Renan Denis de Moura. My parents always advised me to study, as they did not have this opportunity and always did their best to make it possible for me and my sister to go to school. When we had the opportunity for a Rural Education course at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), my parents encouraged us to take the course. We went through a selection process, and myself and a classmate of mine passed the test. It was a magic moment, it looked as everything fits perfectly, as if I needed the Growing Up Right Institute to open my eyes and, right after, the opportunity arose for me to register for College Classes that comprised exactly the same subject.
When I graduated from college, the idea to become a social educator at the Growing Up Right Institute grew in my mind. Since the beginning when I fell in love with my work, so humane, which involves so many sentiments, I saw that it was my place, the only thing I did not know was when it would happen. There is a saying that declares that everything happens at the right time. This is what happened, again showing that there is a definite purpose for everything. A vacancy arose in the municipality of Vera Cruz, which is not very far from where I live and, after several selection steps, when I was called, it took hours to believe, it was one more dream come true and much faster than I had expected”.
Vanessa Beise, social educator at the Rural Professional Learning Program held by the Growing-Up Right Institute. She was a young apprentice of the first group of the Institute, in Candelária (RS), in 2016, and she has a graduate degree in Rural Education from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM).